Leap Into Literacy

Other Great Research Resources/Links

The American Library Association (ALA) has an exhaustive list of materials for further reading.  Sorted by age group, this link will direct you to recommendations for children.

This link, also supported by the ALA, is a great way to find kids' websites.

The Embracing the Child website is a thoroughly entertaining and useful book resource for young readers.  With easy-to-use subject categories and educational tools, this link is invaluable.

Dedicated to "building bridges between cultures," the University of Arizona's Worlds of Words website is a useful link for teachers.

The ipL2 information network is a helpful link with numerous materials for parents, teachers, librarians, and of course, kids.

Kidsites.com: this link is a guide to "the best kid sites on the web."

The AR Bookfinder is a great way to find books for the accelerated reader and has hundreds of resources and materials for students, parents, teachers, and librarians.  Click on this link.

And lastly, this link advises kids how to choose a great book.


About this Pathfinder

This project is a class assignment for the School of Information Resources and Library Science at the University of Arizona.  The authors of this website are:

Alicia Dawn Chaouchi (ADC)
Anne Michele Brower (AMB)
Laura R. Castillo (LRC)
Mark Edward Liden (MEL)

We hope this pathfinder is a useful and fun way to find early literacy materials for young readers.  If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions (please no criticisms), contact: [email protected]
Thank you for your interest!